Tuesday, June 29, 2021

"Ada tertulis manusia bukan hidup dengan roti saja" ( Lukas 4: 2-4)

Lukas 4:2-4 (TB) Di situ Ia tinggal empat puluh hari lamanya dan dicobai Iblis. Selama di situ Ia tidak makan apa-apa dan sesudah waktu itu Ia lapar. Lalu berkatalah Iblis kepada-Nya: "Jika Engkau Anak Allah, suruhlah batu ini menjadi roti." Jawab Yesus kepadanya: "Ada tertulis: Manusia hidup bukan dari roti saja."

Ketika dalam keadaan lemah apalagi kalau sedang dalam tekanan yang berat, manusia cenderung tidak sabar, tercabar dan fokus kepada masalahnya. Marilah kita belajar seperti Yesus. Tetap tenang, menguasai diri dan menjunjung firman Tuhan. Kerana hidup ini bukan sekadar "makan dan kenyang." Semoga kita selalu fokus berjalan menuju panggilan Syurgawi.


Pastor Helen Nasron

1 comment:

  1. Of the National Center for Responsible Gaming, which was founded by industry members, 1.1 to 1.6 percent of the adult population within the United States—approximately three million to four million Americans—has a playing dysfunction. That is more than the number of women dwelling in the us with a history of breast most cancers. Others outdoors the industry estimate the number of playing addicts within the nation to be greater. A native of Rochester, New York, he earned a master’s diploma in enterprise and finance at 코인카지노 the University of Rochester and built a profitable profession. He won the belief of the steel magnate Louis Berkman and worked his way up to as} the position of COO in Berkman’s firm.


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